Thursday, November 19, 2015

The season of giving!!

I LOVE giving gifts.  I not only LOVE giving gifts, but I LOVE giving gifts that I've made special for specific people.  Making things and getting them just right, completely personal for the intended recipient makes my heart so happy, because it's the way I show how much I care.  I may not give everyone in my life a gift for EVERY birthday or Christmas, in fact, when I find or make the perfect gift for someone, I have a hard time hanging on to it until the right occasion.

This Christmas, I'm doing a special giveaway in my shop.  I'll be collecting names and addresses of all of the people who like my page, and then I'll be picking random names to send little gifts to.  It may be something made by me, or there may be a little something that I just want to share.  I want to show my customers how much I appreciate the opportunity to be part of your gift giving.  If you'd like to be included in the giveaway, fill in the Contact form on the right side of this page, make sure your address is in the message box. 

Whether you need a gift for a baby shower, a wedding (think monogrammed pillowcases in a basket with the family name on it), a niece or nephew's birthday, decide on what your budget is and I'll help you come up with ideas for the perfect gift, I'm here to serve you.  Check out my Etsy shop for more pictures and item listings, there's something for everyone. Also- if you know of anyone who could use some help with their gift giving please share this blog post on your favorite social media site by clicking on the links at the bottom of the post! 

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